EXCLUSIVE: Toronto’s Xtacy Love debuts two new Drag artists joining Priyanka in the Haus of Love | MOJOZINE

Valentine’s Day is all about love, and Toronto’s Queen of Love, Miss Xtacy Love, is introducing two new Drag babies to the world during the most fitting of seasons!
As Housemother, Xtacy Love is known for her kind soul, hard work ethic, elaborate stage shows, Drag pageantry and mothering Canada’s Drag Race Season 1 winner, Priyanka! It’s no overstatement to say Xtacy is truly one of Toronto’s Drag gems, and we at MoJo Toronto have been lucky enough to work with the Haus of Love over the years. It’s been extraordinary to see both Xtacy and her Drag daughter Priyanka not only step into the international spotlight themselves but help shine that light on compelling Canadian Drag talent. From small local sets and gigs to world tours and stages, MoJo has teamed up with the Haus of Love to give readers this very special Valentine’s Day interview with all four members of the Haus of Love!
After co-releasing a hilarious parody video depicting Priyanka delivering Xtacy’s two glitter babies on social media, the Love family of two readied today’s announcement. One week later, the baby Love twins are ready for their debut, and in true MoJo fashion, we asked Mama Xtacy (and all of her babies) all about this iconic new addition to the Haus of Love, what we can expect from these new Drag bundles of joy, and if there’s any, you know, sibling rivalry shaking up the foundation…

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MOJO: We will hopefully be out of lockdown by the time this interview is published but what has the ongoing pandemic been like for you, both in your Drag world and your personal world.
XTACY: They say at the end of the world there will be Twinkies, cockroaches and Cher, but they forgot Drag Queens! We had to shift to online and become light technicians, editors and online personalities… It was a huge learning curve for sure but I’m grateful to be back home on stages! My personal life? What’s that? It all became very blurred.
MOJO: It’s been a tough time for everyone during the pandemic but it’s worth noting your continuous optimism and inspiring online presence, where do you find inspiration? What/Who keeps Xtacy Love inspired?
XTACY: Thank you! #HausOfLove was created out of a need for a safe space I felt didn’t exist in the world. Often the messages I put into the world is also a reminder to myself like ‘Hey Sis, you’ve got this!’
MOJO: What does it mean to be a member of the #HausOfLove Drag Family and what does it mean to you, as the Haus’ mother?
XTACY: The #HausOfLove has been myself and Priyanka for a minute (4 years) and now with my new babies, what it means will also expand. The Haus of Love is everything to me. This is my chosen family. I approach my children and it’s a big deal to me to do so and offer my mentorship. I made the castle for us and Priyanka made the Kingdom so to expand that is pretty high stakes and super special.
MOJO: What was it like to see your first Drag child, Toronto’s very own Priyanka, not only win the debut season of Canada’s Drag Race in 2020 but become a Canadian Drag sensation within their 15 month-long reign?
XTACY: Priyanka truly is #MommysIcon. People don’t see all of the hard work she puts into everything she does. Most people have no clue the videos you see she has heavily helped conceptualize, created storyboards, shot lists and usually edits them, on top of writing lyrics and starring in them. She has accomplished huge things like being on the cover of Elle (with no mention of her being a Drag Queen on the cover to make her a gimmick), she’s charted/ toured with her music, hosted the CCMAs and was the first Queen asked to perform at Parliament ( to name a few of numerous highlights). There isn’t a world that she walks into that she hasn’t dynamically dominated even when she has had to bust down a usually closed door to be there. She is the hardest working person I know. To see her become the first winner of Canada’s Drag Race was her 3rd crown in 3 years and it made complete sense seeing it happen. She truly is one of the best winners to ever win in the entire franchise and I’m so proud of her!
MOJO: You’re a pageant titleholder and know exactly what it means to compete in Drag; have you ever considered auditioning for Drag Race? If yes, tell us what you’d like to bring to the competition, if not, name three-five Canadian Drag artists you’d like to see compete on Season 3.
XTACY: As 1 of 5 Canadians to ever successfully go to the States and win a National Title (National Showgirl at Large), you know I love competition. I’m currently Miss Gold Coast Continental and Miss Motorcity Continental Plus. I’m also a certified dance adjudicator and sit on the panel as a judge for the National Showgirl Pageantry Nationals. I LOVE PAGEANTS/COMPETITIONS! They’re an incredible way to learn and grow. Have I thought about auditioning for Canada’s Drag Race? Of course! I think every entertainer has at least thought about it. I will do it though when the timing is right for me… As far as who I would like to see on the show? Only 5 and from all over Canada!?!? That’s tough! Canada truly has the world’s BEST Drag performers. If I have to choose only 5 I’m going to say I’d like to support local, so Miss Fiercalicious, Jada Hudson, Carlotta Carlisle, Lucinda Miu and Diamond Hymen!
MOJO: Having been a part of a plethora of photoshoots and photo series, live and virtual Drag shows, music videos and online sponsorships last year, what would you say was your favourite part of doing Drag in 2021?
XTACY: Getting to go to the U.K for my first time and get to be on tour with Priyanka was something I will never forget. So grateful!!!
MOJO: Your followers have been sitting on your Drag baby announcement in anticipation; how has the “pregnancy” been? Walk us through Xtacy’s mothering process and why 2022 was the perfect time to introduce the world to another #HausOfLove performer.
XTACY: If I gave you the process then it wouldn’t be our family secret and you would become the newest Haus of Love member. Or is this your way of asking? What I will say is that it isn’t an easy process to become a Drag performer to the level that we do it. Vita and Verushka put in a lot of hard work and I am so excited for you all to meet them. Meeting both of them I knew that the level of artistry they possess, their passion, work ethics and our dynamics together that it was time for new members. I’m always looking and keeping an eye out and they have star power. #MommysStar (Vita) and #MommysGoddess (Verushka) are debuting in the most epic way I’ve ever seen for a Drag performer. I think having a drag family is very special and I am blessed to be able to give out 2 new keys to the Kingdom.
MOJO: Siblings always feel a type of way about a newborn in the family, would you say your babies get along blissfully, or is there a sibling rivalry?
XTACY: A true Queen will help hold up another Queen’s Crown. My family is passionate, ambitious and driven. We show up for one another no matter what. It’s definitely been a shift in our dynamic with 2 new powerhouse personalities to contribute because Pri and I have been so used to it just being us but it’s been a great experience!
MOJO: If the Haus of Love could perform on any stage/event in the world, which would it be and why?
XTACY: Oh, you know there will be a Haus of Love world tour coming. Hello World! We’re coming. Stay tuned.
MOJO: Now that the secret’s out, what can we expect and where should we be looking to see Vita & Verushka and the Haus of Love live in 2022?
XTACY: You know the Haus of Love is always at least 10 steps ahead of what is seen online so to keep up with us all make sure to keep your eyes peeled on our social media.
Of course, we had to ask big sis Priyanka and her newborn baby Drag sisters all about this new chapter for the Haus of Love. Here’s what the fierce Drag daughters had to say:

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MOJO: What does being a part of the Haus of Love mean to you?
PRIYANKA: Being a part of the Haus of Love means family to me! Xtacy and I naturally grew into this friendship turned drag family turned real family relationship. It’s CRAZY to think that she is the reason I do drag – the Haus of Love is the cherry on top and is something that Xtacy has talked about for SO LONG. The fact that we’re adding two more family members is even better. It’s a home for everyone and I assume will keep growing!
MOJO: How has the Haus of Love helped shape or influence you as a performer?
PRIYANKA: I think the cool thing about the Haus of Love is that we’re all our own individuals. There aren’t any rules, specific looks etc. The Haus of Love is a safe space for us to be the queen we want to be without feeling judged. There are no rules, the only rules are to love and do shots!
MOJO: Tell us about one special memory you have with your Drag Mother Xtacy Love.
PRIYANKA: OH MY GOD, how dare you ask me this?! There are so many memories. I would say when Xtacy came out on tour with me for the Taste Test tour in the UK. I was going through a rough time where I had a lot of people coming for me all at once and she showed up and gave me some of the happiest memories I’ve had since winning Canada’s Drag Race. She is a special person and I’m lucky to call her a friend!

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MOJO: What does being a part of the Haus of Love mean to you?
VITA: Being a part of this already legendary Drag Haus means that I am working alongside extraordinary talent, whom I am lucky enough to call a mother and two sisters. Each of us, whether it was pre-drag or after beginning drag, developed our crafts to a standard of excellence. When bringing our specialty to drag, we are able to inspire each other to make us all collectively stronger, better and more fierce.
My whole life was spent pushing myself to be the absolute best dancer/acrobat I pictured myself being. Being able to take those skills to my dream job of Cirque du Soleil at the start of my career opened my mind to what kind of artist and performer I could become moving forward. Now, Mamma Xtacy and I go way back before drag was even a part of her life. So, when our paths crossed again, she planted the seed in my brain because she saw the potential in me of becoming “Mommy’s Star.” All it took was a matter of time, a global pandemic for my touring with Cirque to come to an end, and a move home to Toronto to begin my work in creating VITA.
Throughout the entire process “in the womb,” Xtacy was the greatest mentor, cheerleader, and teacher on this new journey. Above all things, she was patient with my growth and always assured me of my star quality, even when I had doubts. To have someone who is so incredible herself has made such a fantastic name for herself in the drag world and then goes on to birth her first child who, within a matter of years, became Canada’s Drag Superstar, I am the luckiest queen in the world.
Being a part of The Haus of Love does come with meeting a bar that is set very high, but that’s why I’m here. My mother and sisters are legends, icons and goddesses. I was, am, and always will be a STAR.
MOJO: How has the Haus of Love helped shape or influence you as a performer?
VITA: Throughout my entire career thus far, amongst the countless experiences I have been fortunate enough to live through, there was always something missing… confidence. On my journey to find confidence and self-love, I would waver too far onto either side of narcissism and self-loathing. Now, I am nowhere near the end of this journey, and I won’t be as long as I have breath in my lungs, but exploring drag and unlocking VITA from my soul put many puzzle pieces in place. I was able to begin to allow myself to express my femininity in a way I didn’t even realize I needed to. Through years of internalized homophobia, I had locked that urge away and ignored it. Bringing the dancer I am to drag has allowed my true spirit in all of its gender fluidity to speak truthfully and loud as fuck. No matter how many stages I have been on, no feeling can compare to expressing the most honest authenticity of my spirit.
One of the most beautiful parts of exploring my identity in drag is when I learned the lesson that drag is the truest expression of yourself. When finding out where VITA holds her strength, Xtacy helped me break down and move past fabricated expectations of drag to allow me to find my truth. One of the first things she taught me that I will never forget was “ Drag is amazing because there are no rules.” Whatever you do, do it well and unapologetically. The Haus, Xtacy and drag, in general, has given me the most amazing gift; The freedom to be ME
MOJO: Tell us about one special memory you have with your Drag Mother Xtacy Love.
VITA: One of the very first memories I have of Xtacy was long before either of us had Drag in our lives. We were in Orlando, Florida, at a national dance competition. We witnessed a couple of contestants have a conversation with a friend of ours that began inquisitively, but quickly came from a place of discrimination, trying to make our friend feel small. Without hesitation, Xtacy stepped in and didn’t fight fire with fire, rather she used intelligence, wit, charm and love to get these dancers to back down, and most importantly, did her best to provide a safe environment. If you had told me at that moment that this person would one day be the mother of the Haus of Love and by extension, my drag mother, I probably would have believed it.
She is always the biggest support and will always put her babies’ needs before hers. Whether it is making me costumes or encouraging my audiences to buy me more tequila shots to make me do handstands, I always feel so supported and taken care of by mamma Xtacy <3.

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MOJO: What does being a part of the Haus of Love mean to you?
VERUSCHKA: To me, it means being part of a family. Your chosen family. It’s much more than just wigs, makeup and costumes. We’re there for each other.
MOJO: How has the Haus of Love helped shape or influence you as a performer?
VERUSCHKA: Drag is an extension of my art form that I already do. I’m just expanding my art to challenge myself and learn from the Haus of Love. As an artist you have to evolve otherwise we all get boring, and we can’t have that happen now 🙂
MOJO: Tell us about one special memory you have with your Drag Mother Xtacy Love.
VERUSCHKA: I always knew about Xtacy Love since moving to Toronto, but I remember when we went to Montreal with Priyanka for her taste test tour. We were in Priyanka’s dressing room and we really just got to know each other better, and a few shots later, we had the whole Haus of Love conversation for the second time and that’s when I knew She was serious about me joining the family. Which meant a lot to me especially coming from someone that has been doing this for so long.

Vita, Veruschka, Xtacy & Priyanka Love
Haus Of Love
Xtacy Love
Priyanka Love
Vita Love:
Veruschka Love:
Exclusive Photos by FDC Photography courtesy of the Haus of Love.